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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 3
Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Read online
Page 3
“What did you do with her?” I demanded to the girl as she was running away on the path. When she didn’t look back or slow down, I got up and took off running toward her. She was quick. I took off into the woods a shortcut for the path she was running on. I could get in front of her and cut her off at the boulder. She was going to tell me what she did with Lace.
I made it to the boulder. I took in a few deep breaths to slow my heart rate. I focused on the scents of the forest. There coming my direction, was Lace’s scent. It was either Lace or this trick. I heard the soft sound of a branch snap. She was turning into the woods. I moved from behind the boulder.
“Where do you think you're going?” I asked, startling her to a stop.
She looked at me. Tears running down her face. She turned her back to me for a moment and when she looked back, her face had no emotion. For a moment I felt compassion for her, but, only a moment. She was after all, a wizard. Even though others had praised and welcomed her, she was still not to be trusted. “Where is Lace?” I questioned.
“What?!” She looked confused at my question.
“You were in the meadow, so was my girlfriend. What did you do with her?” I could feel my anger begin to stir.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. When I ran through, you were the only one I saw. Maybe, she went somewhere.” She turned at that and went to walk away.
“So, you think I should believe you?” I said sarcastically.
“Yeah!” she raised her voice at me. “Yeah, I do. I have never done anything to make you think otherwise. I do not betray people.” She took a step forward. Something was wrong here, I couldn’t figure it out. I took a step in her direction. As I went to speak, heard another snap of a twig from behind the boulder.
I turned in time to see Lace walk around the path. She looked at me and then at the girl. Then with a graceful stride, was to my side, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a heated kiss. I watched the girl as I kissed Lace. For a moment, I thought I saw a tear run down her face. She had turned her back to me. I barely heard the whisper that escaped her mouth as she ran into the woods. “I don’t betray those I love like you do.”
What was she talking about? I pulled Lace off me and held her at arms length. I looked at her. My mind puzzled for a moment.
“Where were you?” I asked. Still holding onto her shoulders.
“Silly, I went to meet you. I saw you leave the meadow, so I took the shortcut to the path. It worked cause her you are.” She batted her eyes, and pouted her lips, making me feel bed. “What was she doing here?” She asked stiffly.
“My fault darling. I thought she was causing trouble. You know how they are. Can’t trust them.” I gave Lace a half smile and ran my hand in my hair. I was feeling guilty for accusing the girl of taking Lace. She must have been crossing the meadow when I smelled Lace coming. The winds, had probably turned her scent from me, causing me to think she was leaving. It all made sense. If I was a bigger man, I would apologize, but chances were, the girl would cause trouble anyway. I would need to speak with Sanna, see what she knows, find out why she is here. Sanna, knows all the gossip in the village. If anyone could find out, it would be her.
I smiled down at Lace who had wrapped her arms around my chest. She was very possessive. Sometimes, that was attractive, but right now, I found it annoying.
I pushed her back, took her hand and lead her down the path toward the market. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” I inquired.
“Yes.” She answered and laid her head on my shoulder. “Why is she here?”
“I don’t know. I plan to investigate. In the meantime,” I kissed her forehead, “don’t let her bother you. I will see she is asked to leave.”
Lace lifted her head and smiled, “See that you do.”
We hit a fork in the path. She pulled me close and gave me a long lingering kiss. Then I watched as she swayed away into the curve of the path. She was quite the temptress when she wanted to be. I shook my head and let my smile widen. Then turned and headed toward Sanna’s.
I arrived at Sanna’s, knocked on the door before walking in. Not waiting for them to answer. Ethan came out of the side room. The look of surprise written on his face quickly changed to a stern look.
“What brings you here Leon?” Ethan stated. Not as friendly as he usually was.
“Well, I was looking for my sis. Is she here?” I looked around the home, no sign of Sasha or Sanna.
“She is occupied at the moment, but I will have her call on you when she is free.” He walked toward me, then past me to the door, where he opened it and stood to usher me out.
“I can wait.” I walked over to the chair, ignoring his polite suggestion to leave. I wanted some answers. I could wait. There little tiff was no concern of mine. The ceremonies were tomorrow, I wanted to know nothing was going to happen.
“She’ll be awhile, you know with all that’s going on tomorrow. I will have her ring you.” He stood firm by the door, unmoving.
“Say, have you heard anything about that wizard being in the village?” I figured if Sanna knew, he may to. She wasn’t much for keeping secrets or gossip from Ethan. Besides, what was his deal. He needed to relax. If they were fighting, then kicking me out wasn’t going to help. I would just keep coming back till I got my answers. I watched Ethan as he moved uncomfortably by the door. He knew something, I could tell. “What do you know?” I pushed for an answer.
“If you are referring to Raina, yes she is here. Other than that,” he let out a sigh, “there is nothing more I can tell you.” He looked angry. Why, I didn’t know. He had changed a few years back, right after the war. We no longer joked as much and he really didn’t like Lace.
“Why?” I asked, not moving from my chair.
“Look, you can’t stay. I have things to do.” His face hardened toward me and the stern look he gave me told me he wasn’t going to share anything else. Why I didn’t know. I stood and walked to the door. Before stepping all the way out, I turned to him, “I will have her removed from the village you know.”
Ethan grabbed my shoulder hard and gave me a shove out the door. “If you know what’s best for you, you will leave Raina alone.” Then he slammed the door shut.
What was his problem? Leave her alone, no, she would leave us alone. I strolled to the market to see what else I could find out. Ethan would be of no help.
It was late in the afternoon, my inquiries in the village now done. I headed to the grounds to help. The arena now stood tall and ready for the week ahead. The obstacles set up for the first event. Tomorrow, the games would begin. I was tired. I laid on my bed, hoping to catch a few hours of sleep before the festivities kicked off tonight. It was only a dinner and dance to start the event, but, I would be required to entertain and dance with most of the contestants, even if they didn’t make it past the first round. It would be exhausting. I tried not to think of it. My mind relaxed and I drifted to sleep.
I awoke to a slap on my back. “Who do you think you are?” Sanna yelled at me.
“What?” I was still waking myself up. My mind foggy. My eyes filled with sleep. Sanna slapped me again. “Who do you think you are?”
“You do that again and I will slap you back Sanna. Don’t think I won’t.” I rubbed my lower back where the sting from her slap resided. “What are you talking about?” I sat up to look at her.
She was seething mad. I could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. Again, what was her deal. Whatever fight her and Ethan got in was now falling onto me. Sanna began stomping around the room, opening and slamming drawers, chests, huffing and puffing.
“You..You think you are so smart...You think can just treat anyone anyway you want. Well, I told mom and she is coming soon. And you are going to hate yourself for the way you are acting.” She began storming out of my room and toward the front door. I jumped off my bed to head her off.
“What are you talking about?” I had her by the shoulders with my back on the front
door. “What ever it is your wrong. Got the wrong guy.”
“I highly doubt that your chieftain.” She said with over dramatic wave of her hand.
“Seriously, what are you talking about. Come on, tell me what’s going on.”
“Why do you hate her so much?” Sanna let her head hang down and she moved to sit in the chair by the fire. “Why are you so mean to her?”
“Who are you talking about? I’m not mean to anyone. I treat everyone with respect and kindness.” I was kneeling in front of her, hands on her knees. I wanted to understand what was going on with my sister. What was wrong so I could fix it?
“Raina.” Sanna looked me square in the eyes when she said it. I felt a pang of guilt. I didn’t like her. I didn’t trust her. I hated the idea of who she was. It was my turn to look at the floor. I moved to the chair opposite of her and ran my hand in my hair.
“Why is this wizard so important to you?” I asked, not fully understanding her emotions.
“Her name is Raina. You knew it once.”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, but she is not to be trusted.”
“You don’t know what you're talking about Leon.”
“Really, I think I do. We have been at war for years fighting her kind. Now you want to side with one. How are they different? How is ‘Raina’ different? She will betray you the moment her power is questioned. Then we will be at war again, only this time with a younger version.”
“No, you are wrong. If you would remember, you would not think like that. Do not make her leave.” She pleaded with me.
“I don’t want her mischief around. This is important to me Sanna.” I pleaded back.
“I can vouch for her, she will not cause any harm. Your process will go on as planned.” I could see the hint of a mischievous glint in her eye. She was up to something.
“Sanna, no troubles. Everything the way it should be.” I tried to convince her.
“Sure thing brother, everything the way it should be. Got it.” She was a little to happy. “Oh, by the way do you still have that locket you took from the maiden at Courtney and Brennon’s wedding?” a sly smile crossed her lips.
“You know I don’t. Fell out of my pocket at the wedding. Besides, I never pursued her. My feelings are for Lace. She is the one I am drawn to, my choice! Not some random person. If that person had been the one…” now it was my turn to be sarcastic, “…I would have searched for her. You know how it works.” I shook my head, sisters, I didn’t understand them.
“I have to go. Things to do you know. Everything as it should be.” She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek then skipped out the door. Trouble just left my home. Its name was Sanna. She was definitely up to something.
I don’t know how I got talked into doing this, but here I was headed to the opening ceremonies as a participant. Sanna still convinced that Leon loves me. You wouldn’t know it by the kiss he planted on his girlfriend. They both had some crazy conspiracy theories. Sanna thinks now that he was tricked into betraying me. She thinks his girlfriend is enchanting him somehow. She thinks he is blinded by the absence of his memories; and here I am insane enough to listen. I guess it has always been my weakness to hope for the impossible. I always have.
So here I am agreeing with her crazy plan. My job, to do the best I can and try to be selected. I had reminded Sanna that Leon wanted me sent out of the village. Ethan reminded her of that to. It’s not like I could participate unnoticed. And there was my mistake. Sanna’s eyes grew wide and her smile broad and wicked at the idea of me being unnoticed.
Sanna’s great idea was me participating as someone else. One of the few things I could do with my magic. Change my appearance. So for the rest of the afternoon she had me trying different physiques to come up with the perfect disguise. I was a healthy, almost plump size woman. Mid length brown hair, and lightly tan skin. My eyes were still blue. I couldn’t get them to change for long periods of time so we left them alone. Sanna turned me around a few times and with a clap of her hands, announced we had a winner. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t recognize what I saw. A quick blink and I could see my reflection, only now I had a shimmer of pink magic surrounding my body. It would hold. I set the spell in place and the mirage was complete. We entered the main room to show off the new me to Ethan. He agreed it was a great disguise. Only one problem he could see. I still smelled like me. That was definitely going to be a problem!
I sat on a chair and thought long and hard. I had never tried to change how I smelt. It never occurred to me. I didn’t even know if I could do it. I focused on my scent. Eyes closed, slow breaths. I had been like that for over five minutes. Ethan began coughing and sputtering. I opened my eyes to see if he was okay. He was waving his hand in front of his nose. “Did I do it?” I asked excitedly. I honestly didn’t know. Ethan only shook his head and left the room.
Sanna came over to me. Told me to tone it down if I didn’t want to kill everyone in the house with the smell of burnt cookies. Odd I thought. I had been thinking of the cookies Keiko had made before I left. I was so depressed we burnt the first batch. I was feeling depressed now. The plan, the idea of winning him back. The thought that Sanna was wrong. I closed my eyes and tried to soften the scent. “That’s good there.” Sanna said to me. So, again I bound the spell. I was ready for this crazy plan to start. We didn’t even know if I would make it past the first game. We had to try. I owed it to myself Sanna had said. I wanted to believe her, so here I was. Standing with a group of women, preparing to fight for my destiny.
All the participants for the games were gathered together in the Council chambers. Here we were instructed on the first event. The obstacle course. It would be fifteen miles around the ceremonial grounds, ending in the arena. Only the fastest would move on. Spotters would be placed around the course in case any one was injured or wanted to ring out. As I listened to the Elder give the instructions, I glanced at the other participants. They were all very attractive, slender, fit women. I caught a few look my way getting frown or laugh from the contestants. It was probably my disguise. I was easily twice the size of any female there. I was beginning to second guess Sanna’s choice of physiques. Once the instructions and timeline details were complete, we were dismissed.
I headed back to Sanna’s to prepare for the banquet and dance that would kick off the event. I dreaded the thought of seeing Leon. Sanna suggested I take all my anxiety over him and put it into the race. When I reached her home, she was already dressed and waiting for me. This dance didn’t require the usual fine enchanted gowns. Instead, Sanna wore a glistening short violet gown. It made her skin shine, eyes sparkle, and her legs long and sleek. She handed me a long thin strapped red sparkling gown. A frown creased my face. “I can’t wear this. The other participants already think I’m a joke, this will only show my scars. Is there anything else?” I pleaded to Sanna. She smiled at me. “You are forgetting one thing....you are not you, you are Pearl!” She floated the dress around the room.
“Pearl, have you gone crazy. I am not a pearl.”
“Oh, but you are. A burnt cookie smelling, athletically plump, game winner pearl. That is what I am calling you. So, Pearl, are we getting dressed or not?”
I looked to Ethan for support. Nothing. He just shook his head and turned away. I snatched the dress out of her waving hands and went to Sasha’s room to change. When I came out, she smiled at me. “See, for Pearl, this is the perfect dress. Very flattering to her tone and body. Now let’s do something to your hair and face.” I followed her to her room and let her do what she does.
When I looked in the mirror, I looked horrendous. The rouge was to dark, the lipstick to bright. The dress hung loose around my waist. My scars contrasting with the bright silk fabric. The red of the dress washing out my skin making me look ill. No, this was a mistake. I could still back out. I shook my head and turned to leave. Sanna reached out and grabbed my arm. “Look at Pearl, not you.” She said
sweetly. I blinked my eyes a few times to allow myself to see the magic illusion that was in place. Sanna was right. The gown was flattering. No scars to see. No pale white skin to clash with the color. My face was shadowed in beautiful shades to compliment my skin tone and eyes. Sanna knew how to bring out the best in anyone. I closed my eyes and the illusion was gone. I nodded my approval and together we walked out of her home. Ready to start the night.
We entered the North side of the village market. It had been transformed into a festival of lights, music, and food. Colorful ribbons and lanterns created an awning over the temporary stone dance floor. Tables with colorful linens and flowers decorated the edge of the stone floor. The Elders sat at a large table overlooking the commotion. Two large wooden chairs sat at the end of the table, empty. According to Sanna these were for the Chief’s and Council’s nominee’s seating places. I looked at the empty chairs. My stomach felt nauseous thinking of the competition ahead. Sanna must have sensed my worry. She put her arm around me and gave me a squeeze. “They won’t know what hit them. You got this gal.” She dragged me over to a table and began introducing my as Pearl. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Sanna was so over the top, Ethan and I both were embarrassed. It was Sanna, nothing you could do but love her enthusiasm. By the time the festivities started, our table was team Pearl.
The festivities started with a greeting from the Elders and Leon. Cheers rang out around the crowd. Then Leon announced his nominee, Lace. Again, cheers rang from the crowd. Everywhere but at our table. Sanna was making sure none of them cheered for the other nominees. Either out of fear or fun, they obliged. Ethan and I shared a secret laugh at our companions expense. Leon’s nominee was the same woman he had kissed in the woods on my run. She wore a tight short red dress with no back. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Around her neck was a long chain hanging mid waist. Attached was a pendant of some sort. I could see the glow of magic surrounding it. My mind flickered back to Sanna’s theories. She could be on to something. Trouble was, with my powers virtually gone, I wouldn’t be to solve the mystery that surrounded Lace, or be able to break the memory spell I put on Leon even if I wanted to. It was all up to him to remember on his own.