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Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian Page 3
Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian Read online
Page 3
I looked at her. She was wearing the same outfit I was. In her belt her daggers. She turned to me and handed me a large knife. Then smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Ready” she whispered.
Off she ran towards the tree line. I gave a quick glance down the wall and ran to catch up to her. We were together and free. Neither of us looked back. There was nothing to go back to.
We made it into the tree line and kept running till daylight broke the horizon. I knew she was tired and hurt. I slowed us to a walk. We were days away from home. She stopped for a moment. Looked at me and collapsed to the ground.
Her injuries and exhaustion had gotten the better of her. I scooped her up and held her in my arms. Her breathing was shallow and uneven. Her hands were scraped and bloody. Her back still bleeding. She needed help. The sooner we made it home the better. I put her on my back, transformed and ran.
I ran for two days. Exhaustion was getting me. She had only stirred once. Barely awake enough for water. She had a fever, and her wounds were not healing. I was scared that I would lose her now. After all we had been through. I hoped I was close enough to call for help. I whistled and howled. I could barely move myself. I laid down next to her to rest my limbs. My eyes begged me to close.
I heard the whistles of help. I tried to whistle in reply, it came out as a soft whisper. Regardless of my sound, they soon found us. Ethan, Thibault, Gregory, and Raoul had come. I couldn’t move. They lifted me up and started carrying me toward home. I looked back. Raina was unmoving on the ground. Raoul knelt next to her.
“You need to get Raina.” I pleaded.
“Raoul will care for her. We must take you back.” Thibault answered. My eyes heavy with blackness Raina and Raoul vanished from my site.
Chapter 4
After battling the blackness that consumed me, I was able to open my eyes. I saw my old friend, Raoul. I had met him years ago. He was the first to teach me to fight and hunt. He was also the first to plan an escape. I treasured his friendship and knowledge.
“Where’s Leon?” I asked looking around.
“The others have taken him to Ladow to be healed.” Raoul remarked. “You both are in pretty bad shape.”
“I’ve missed you, how have you been.” I wanted to take my worry off Leon. I didn’t know how long I had been unconscious and how bad Leon was hurt. I also knew they would take care of him. I tried sitting up. It hurt.
“I am doing better than you. Here drink some of this tonic and it will help you feel better.” He handed me a pouch to drink from.
I drank the cool liquid. It had a sweet taste. I could feel my entire body tingle from the inside out. If this was half as useful as the healing lotion, I would be good in no time. I sat all the way up now, taking in more of the tonic.
“I didn’t realize you lived in the same village as Leon. I would have come to visit you.” I said apologetically.
“I the same! Leon did not mention who he was traveling with, in fact, he didn’t know much about you.” Was his reply.
“I didn’t tell him. I didn’t know if I could trust him till I had already left Ladow.”
“Are you well enough to walk now?”
“Yeah, I feel my energy coming back. Are we headed to Ladow?” I had to ask, I wasn’t sure if I would be required to go around, and then need to somehow get a message to Sanna to bring the children to me. Last I recalled, Leon mentioned I did not have permission to stay. I would think that was still the case.
“Yes.” Raoul said as he helped me up.
We began our walk. Slow and steady. He had aged since I had seen him. He was older, slower. I didn’t mind the pace. At first we walked in silence, then he began asking questions.
“Tell me, how is your mother?”
“I don’t know. I feel she is okay, but she was not there. It has been close to a year since I have seen her.” I was saddened by the thought.
“How did you manage to escape?” Raoul asked next.
“Now there’s a story.” I explained the last few weeks events. Raoul, just rubbed his chin deep in thought. “You look like you want to ask me something.” I chided him.
“Well, yes actually. What do you recall of your meeting of Leon?”
“I met him with my family some time ago. He was at a placed he called the Koboldrone. Then he walked with us to Ladow. Why do you ask?” My eyebrow was raised, and curiosity peaked.
“Your mother can do potions correct?” he continued.
“Yeah, okay, Raoul where are you going with this.” I had to ask.
“You cannot do potions though?” Raoul continued without answering my question.
“No, I can’t. Why, what’s going on?”
“Did your mother ever perform potions or enchantments on you?”
“Raoul, seriously, where are you going with these questions. I am not my mother. I have no special powers. I have no talents or gifts. What are you trying to imply!”
“I have a theory, please indulge an old man’s questions. Did your mother perform any potions on you?”
“Yeah, she did a potion that got my family and me out of the fortress. I still don’t understand why that would matter.”
“None any other time before that.”
“No, just the transporting potion? Well, now that I think about it, when I was young, right before she was taken, she did a couple on me. I don’t think they did anything besides give me scars. Even now those are starting to disappear.”
I don’t know what I said, but Raoul began rubbing his chin and nodding his head, and talking to himself more than me. Finally, he asked to see them.
“The one on my arm, I can show you when I change clothes. The other is high on my inner thigh,” I was a bit embarrassed to show him that one. “If you really need to see it, I can show you when I change. Why do you think these give me power? Cause I assure you they don’t.”
“I think you are more than you seem. What can you tell me about your family, your village specialties?” He asked next.
What did he mean, more than I seem, village specialties? I am just me. Nothing fancy, nothing special, just little old me. My village was ordinary there was nothing special about it. I think the heat of the day was getting to the old man.
“Would you like to rest?” I asked, handing him the tonic, concerned now for his health.
“No, I am good. Are you?”
“I am good for now.”
“So, tell me about your family. We have a long way to go before we are there. It will help pass the time.”
“Okay, but I think you are wrong. I am just ordinary. My mother’s name is Rose. She was married to my father Jase. He was a simple carpenter. She did healing lotions, and potions to help those in our village. I don’t really now what else to tell you.”
“Did you know your grandparents?” Raoul asked.
“I remember meeting my grandfather only once. He was very kind. I was much younger. Honestly, couldn’t tell you much.”
“Do you know his name?”
“I can see it at the forefront of my mind.” I stopped and rubbed my temples. Trying to force the memory into view. The name my mother had used. Think. What was it? It took awhile, but then as clear as a bell it came to me, the memory of my mother saying good-bye to her father, and my father shaking his hand. ‘Good-bye Alastair, you will be missed.’ Then the memory was gone.
“What did you say?” Raoul choked out.
“Alastair, my dad called him Alastair. Why?”
Raoul stood there with his mouth open and a look of unbelief.
“Raoul, now your just being weird. Please tell me what you're thinking and why you are looking at me this way.”
Raoul began walking again. This time, at a faster pace. I had to run a few steps to catch up. He was deep in thought.
“Raoul, what is going on!?” I grabbed his arm and swung him around.
��It all makes sense now.” He said. “You, Leon, the Koboldrone, the Raiders. It all makes sense.”
“What makes sense. Because you do not.” I was frustrated now. Did they all talk in riddles?
He stopped and turned to me. “Let us find a place to sit, this will take a moment to explain.”
We walked another fifteen minutes looking for a place to sit somewhat comfortably. We reached a small opening surrounded by trees. In the center, two fallen trees, just large enough to sit on. I sat on one, and faced Raoul who was sitting on the other.
“Well, tell me what’s going on.” I started.
“Have you heard the story of Alaric?” Raoul began.
“No. Who is he”
“He was the first to discover the gift of magic. How to use and manipulate the world around us.”
“What does he have to do with what is going on with me?”
“He shared his gift with many of us. He was the one who taught us how to shift. He taught the pixie’s to fly. He taught the healers the art of potions. He shared a tiny bit of his knowledge with many groups.”
“Okay, so he taught someone to do potions, and my mother learned from them. Got it.”
“No, that is not what I am saying. When he was in his old age he found a spouse, Faye. With her he had a son, Latif, and a daughter, Megan. Megan died young. Latif went on to marry. He had two sons. Nezra and Alastair.” He paused to let the information sink in.
“It can’t be the same people. Are you sure Nezra is the same Nezra. That would make him over two hundred years old. People don’t live that long. Not to mention, I don’t recall my grandfather looking that old, or the fact that my mother is not that old. We are just simple peasants. The names are a coincidence.” My mind was spinning. It couldn’t be the same.
“The records show Alastair had a single daughter. However, nothing more is said.”
“What year was she born in your records?”
“It doesn’t say.”
“That’s convenient. So you think my mom inherited these gifts?”
“Our records say she did not, but that doesn’t mean they are correct.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t inherit them. So, your theory is invalid.”
“This is were my theory begins. I think you did. I think your mother did. I think she bound both of your powers to hide you both from Nezra. I think you are the heirs of Alastair. That my books are wrong. I think I can prove it once I see the scars on your arms and legs.”
I sat there stumped. It didn’t make sense, did it? I didn’t know what to think. I had so many questions. I was consumed in my thoughts. I didn’t notice Raoul stand up and move to me. The fact that he was pulling me to my feet. I shook my head in disbelief.
“Raoul, tell me...” I stopped realizing I was being surrounded by river pixie’s. I shut my mouth and reached a hand to my back. Ready to pull my dagger. River pixie’s were mean. I came across a few locked in a bird cage at the fortress. I tried to help them. All I got was chunks of skin ripped off my hands as I picked the lock. Then a good bite on my arm as they flew out the cage and left the fortress.
At least I think they left. Who knew. They would hiss and screech. I didn’t understand them. Now, I was surrounded by them. A large red scaled pixie hovered over to Raoul. They looked like fish except for the giant razor sharp toothed mouth that took up a third of its body. Their wings, were thin fin like wisps of light. They had talons for arms and feet that stuck out of the scales of their body. Ugly little creatures. According to Raoul, I could thank my great, great grandfather for showing them how to fly. Whoopi. I listened in silence. Surprised I was able to understand them this time.
“She may not pass.”
Raoul responded, “My King, we have a treaty. You shall let us pass in peace.”
“No, our treaty is with your kind. You may pass, she cannot. She will be our present for allowing you to go.”
I started looking around. They were in the trees. Over fifty by my count. I didn’t know how fast they could go, but if I could create a distraction, then maybe I could run for it. The debate and argument continued between the two. Raoul never taking his hand off my arm. I needed a minute to communicate with Raoul and set my plan in motion.
The argument escalated. More arguments and counter statements made. The ‘King’ as Raoul called him was joined by two more flying creatures. They hissed something into his ear. The sovereign turned his back to us. I started to move. Raoul held my arm tight. I stopped and stood in place. The king hovered to me inches from my face.
“Seems I owe you a debt.” He hissed out.
I stood there in silence. I didn’t know what he was talking about. Raoul still had my arm. Raoul turned to speak with the creature.
“I would suggest you allow her passage thru your lands as repayment to your debt owed.”
The small monarch thought for a moment then screeched. All the river pixie’s flew up into the air and dispersed. I looked at Raoul for clarification. He turned and began leading me thru the forest.
After a good time had passed, we were free from spying eyes. My curiosity was the better of me, I began asking questions again.
“What was that all about?” I wanted to understand what had happened before going back to our previous conversation.
“Okay, I get it was about me, but what was all that stuff about owing me? I’ve never met the thing before.”
“I am not sure. He feels he owes you a debt and I felt our best option was to use it to gain you passage. Odd he didn’t say so at first, but waited for his daughter to talk to him.” He said with a lifted eyebrow.
“Odd in deed.” The more I was out of the fortress, the stranger this world was. So, now that that was clear as mud, back to my family.
“Raoul, let’s say you are correct with this idea of yours about my family. Then, what do I do now. If Nezra hunted my grandfather, wouldn’t it be a matter of time before he kills my mom, or for that matter me.” I really didn’t know what to do.
Raoul, put his hand on my shoulder and with a heavy heart said, “I know this is a heavy burden. You may be destined to a life you did not expect. I will help you however I can. We will work together to learn the truth. Uncover your destiny, and protect those you love.”
“If it is true, I don’t want to just protect my loved ones. I need to stop Nezra. He will track me down till all is lost. I can’t be the one to let villages be destroyed and lives lost because of him. I need you to teach me how to protect everyone. How to stop him, stop the raiders, stop it all.” I put my head in my hands, the weight of the world on my shoulders. I don’t know if I could do anything let alone, take on Nezra. What am I thinking? I can’t hide. I can’t put Keiko, Juji, or Wyatt in danger. I can’t put Sanna and her family in danger, or Leon, or the Ladow villagers.
I was deep in my thoughts when Raoul interrupted me, “Raina, I will be here to help you. Leon will help you. Many will rally behind you. Just look at the pixie’s.” He was laughing at that last thought.
The smile and laughter was enough to lighten my spirit.
“If you will help, I will be your student.” I walked with him in silence for the rest of the day.
When morning came, we were up and crossing into the borders of Ladow. Our plan, to see Leon, see the kids, then meet up to go to the library, look for answers. We had come around a large boulder and I was knocked to the ground.
“Sanna, what, where, help me up.” I was so excited to see her.
“I missed you. The kids are fine, you look like crap. I heard Leon was back and have been awaiting your arrival.” I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. She had her arm around my shoulders and was escorting us down the path. “You must be hungry, and tired, and need healing. Oh, how we all have missed you.”
“I missed you all too. I want to check on Leon. He was in bad shape, then I need to see the kiddos. Will you come with.” I asked her.
“I wouldn
’t leave your side for the world.” Sanna smiled and embraced me as we walked. “Elder, glad to have you back too.”
Raoul nodded at Sanna. Together we walked to the healing center. Sanna began telling me all about the children. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise even if I wanted to. It made the time pass quickly, and took my mind off my identity.
We reached the healing center in no time. I stopped to face Sanna. My nerves now getting to me. I looked at Sanna, “Have you heard anything?”
“He was up the other day, but still weak. I am going to run home, grab you a change of clothes and grab the kids. I will see you here in twenty. Sound good?”
“Yeah, that will give me some time with Leon.” I paused before looking at her. I gave her one more hug. “Thank you for all you’ve done. For watching over the children. For taking care of us. Thank you.”
The tears began running down both our faces. Sanna hugged me again and then turned down a path toward her home. I looked at Raoul. He held the wood door open for me to enter.
Leon was lying on a wood table in the middle of a small room. I walked over and placed my hand on his arm. His eyes fluttered open. He smiled at me. I felt an instant warmth fill my body. He moved his other arm over and placed his hand on mine.
“You're okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’ll live.” I smiled back at him. He closed his eyes again and sleep took over. I looked to Raoul. He waved me to come, and I followed.
We went into another room similar to the one Leon was in. There Raoul handed me a robe and left. Giving me some privacy to change. It hurt to move the shirt off my shoulders. So I stopped and went to the oversize pants I was wearing. I had done my best to find the smallest set from the fortress, but, it was still to big. I went back to the shirt. The dried blood had attached the shirt to my wounds. Now ripping it off, took a fresh layer of skin and I began bleeding again. I called for Raoul. He entered and went about dressing my back with lotions and bandages. I felt him run his fingers over my shoulder scar. He pulled out a pencil and pad and drew the marks from my shoulder. He then began examining the scars on my arm and leg. He sketched them all. When he was done, he handed me a series of lotions and bandages.