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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 5

  “What is going on?” Leon demanded, staring at the girl I was dragging behind me. They all kept their distance, as we were not completely out of the fog. Raoul had made it to the group at the same time I did.

  “I said, what have you done! What is going on? It’s that wizard causing trouble. Why are you not affected?” I could see the confusion and struggle his mind was having. I looked to Raoul for help. Out of breath, Raoul spoke up.

  “Chief Leon, Raina is not to blame, it is the Koboldrone!” He was out of breath. I looked to Raoul and asked, “How many more are in there?” I was turning to go back in.

  Leon grabbed my arm and swung me around. “Are you a wizard, are you to blame.” My eyes were wide. He looked at me with confusion, worry, fear, and hate all at once. Raoul came to my rescue again. “No, that is Pearl, she is a contestant. I met her once before a long time ago, enchanted her against the Koboldrone. She is the only one safe from its curse.”

  The answer must have satisfied him for now. He dropped my arm and turned to the others. “How many more?”

  “One.” I didn’t hesitate and ran into the fog. I searched and searched. When I was ready to give up, I spied the moving metal arm. I followed it. It led me right to her. I dragged her out of the fog to the group. My legs tired. My lungs on fire. My head light from fighting off my own will to stop and sleep. I looked at the assembly of men. They had accounted for everyone at this point. Luckily, most the women were beginning to wake. Gathering together in a frightened huddle. Leon was angry. “Why is the game still on? It needs to be ended.” The others looked at him.

  “Leon, it is not your decision to make.” An elderly man said.

  “We should end this. Begin again another time. We need to account for our people.” He was pleading with the elderly man and running his hands thru his hair as he paced.

  “No!” A woman yelled back. I turned to see my friend, awake. “If everyone is out, we will finish this race and be done. I would not put anyone through this again.” Other participants had made there way over. We were all there. Now as a group, they were agreeing with my friend. “Yeah, and what let those that dropped out get to compete again. That’s not fair!” Another participant echoed.

  Leon shook his head. “Raoul, your call.” Raoul assessed each participant giving an all clear to each. When he got to me, he checked me over like the others, then whispered to me. “Thank you.” The elderly man from earlier lined us up and then started us off again. The race was on, now a sprint to the finish.

  I tried my best to keep up with the group. They were faster in there shifted forms. I rounded a corner less than a half mile to the finish. There waiting for me was my friend. She ran pace with me. She smiled. “You have saved me twice.” She started out. “So, I am returning the favor to you. I will give you a minute head start to beat me. Considering the numbers, if you do, you will be the last one to move on to round two. However, I won’t just hand it to you. You must beat me there.” I drew my eyebrows in, confused by this gesture. Then she started counting, “One, two, three...”

  She was serious. I ran as fast as I could. Her voice softening in the distance between us. Faster, faster, I told myself. She would be on me soon. I could see the finish line. Hear the cheers. My team, Sanna, and Ethan edging me on. Sanna yelled, “Run, she is gaining on you.” I didn’t think I had anymore strength in me. I could see Leon at the finish line. I knew I had to beat her.



  I didn’t know what to think yesterday. When Raoul sounded the alarm call, panic rang through us all. No one knew what to expect. When we saw Raoul surrounded by what I thought was dead participants laying at his feet. I too, felt the panic. We ran toward him when I heard the scream. I took off with a few others toward the fog filled forrest, following the sound. One of my men took a few steps into the fog. He fell down, dead? I covered my mouth, reached in and pulled him out. His breathing was shallow. He was alive. I ordered everyone to stay out of the fog till we could get some answers.

  Then, I saw movement ahead. Coming out of the fog, the oversized women from some land far west. Anger hit me all at once. She must be working for the wizard. I should have insisted the games were closed. She was dragging something behind her. As she came closer out of the mist it was another participant behind her. I watched as she ventured closer to us. I began yelling at her, accusing her. If it hadn’t been for Raoul, I would have had her imprisoned. That wizard, where was she? If she was supposed to be helpful and kind. Why was she not helping?

  The more I thought about it, I realized I hadn’t seen her since that morning by the meadow. It is to be hoped that she was gone. Maybe she was trapped in the Koboldrone. I wondered if she had called upon the Koboldrone to attack. She could still have a part in this. I erased her and it from my mind for now.

  The women insisted to finish the obstacle. Who was I to tell them otherwise. I insisted we do another roll call, accounting for all visitors and villagers. No one was missing. I didn’t ask about the wizard. No one mentioned otherwise. I had my men take those that could not, or did not want to continue to the healing center. I went to the finish line, ready to instruct those that continued to visit the center when they were done. I watched as Pearl was the last to qualify for the second round. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I left and went to the healing center to check on all the participants that had been taken there.

  The girls were all doing better. After my return from the Koboldrone, we had found someone that gave us an antidote for the sleeping dead. I had seen Raoul use it yesterday in the field. Some that had still not awaken and were brought here. Now, everyone had awoken and word spread quickly as to what had happened. Odd, there was no mention that Pearl had pulled them out. Pearl, wasn’t correcting the story. I found it odd and intriguing. There was something about that women I couldn’t figure out. Something didn’t fit.

  The next game would not be late this evening. I among others had volunteered to watch over the contestants. Make sure no harm would come to them. By draw of the hat, I pulled Pearl’s name. It was going to be a quick night no doubt. It was sheer luck she made it past round one, barely outrunning one of the other contestants, and beating them by a nose. If more of the contestants had awaken the day before, she may not have made it. Tonight, luck would not help her. This was a skills test. Stealth, light footing, agility. These were the traits needed to endure the longest. No one would make it through the night. I was grateful I had Pearl, she should be out first. Lace said she would keep me company, I was looking forward to time with her.

  I headed to the council chambers next. Even with the festivities work needed to get done. As I walked into through the great wooden doors, I saw Sanna and Ethan talking with Raoul. They were huddled over some papers. I headed toward them. Ethan saw me first. They stopped talking and stared at me.

  “Crazy event yesterday, don’t you say?” Ethan commented while Sanna tucked the papers into her bag.

  “Yeah, crazy. What are you guys doing here?”

  “Nothing, just collecting somethings from Raoul.” Sanna answered and together they all began walking toward the doors.

  “Wait, you don’t have to leave so soon.” I called out to them.

  “Yeah, we have things to do. See you later brother.” Sanna called back over her shoulder.

  Strange. My sister and Ethan had become distant to me after the war. Then so did I. I spent my time with Lace rather than with Sanna. Once this was all over, and Lace was my betrothed, then maybe we could work on everyone getting along. Sanna made it clear she did not like Lace.

  Raoul had gone into the chamber room. Everyone was there. We looked at the map of where the Koboldrone was now infesting our lands. We were contemplating what to do. None of our talismans or potions were working to rid us of the Koboldrone. Raoul had sent word to a friend on the West coast for help. We were awaiting a response. We wagered back and forth why it was here. How it had come, and above all, what else we could do a
bout it. Nothing was resolved. Guards were placed around the fog to stop anyone from accidentally going into the fog and being lost. For now it was all we could do. The day was nearly over. A runner came in with a note for Raoul.

  He read it quietly then put it in the pocket of his robe. We all looked to him for an explanation. He looked at us thoughtfully. “That was a response from my friend. She says there is a way to get the Koboldrone to leave our lands.” We all stood waiting for the answer. Raoul, stood stroking his chin, thinking. It was as if he wasn’t sure about the solution. Finally someone asked, “And what is it.”

  Raoul responded thoughtfully. “I must talk to Raina. She is the only one able to repel this curse for us. She will decide if it is worth the risk.” All of us stood in silence, looking from one to another. Baffled. What risk? Why does she get to decide? I was about to ask my questions, when Gregory did for me.

  “Raoul, what is the risk for her?” He asked somberly.

  I wasn’t sure why he was worried about her. Obviously if she could repel it, then there was only risk for us if she did not.

  “Death” Raoul responded close to a whisper. I wondered if she would do it. She owed us nothing. My heart sank. She would not help. No one would risk their life for people they did not know. I looked to Raoul, we had to ask. “Send for her.” I commanded.

  I waited in the chamber for the wizard to arrive. The elders had prepared the anti chamber to contain her magic. She would not be able to use it here. This was for everyone’s protection. We all, especially me, had our doubts about trusting her. It was close to an hour before Raoul returned, and with him, the wizard. She was young. I was always surprised when I saw her. How someone with so much magic could be so young. She stepped to the center podium facing the panel of elders.

  “I understand you have a request to ask of me.” She said with a polite, confident, strength.

  “Yes,” Gregory began. His face took on a somber and sad expression. “We need your help. It has come to our attention that you may be able to repel the curse that has infected our lands.”

  She looked at the panel and stopped at Raoul. Her eyes questioning him in silence. “Tell me, where this knowledge was received.” She asked, not taking her eyes off Raoul.

  It was his turn to answer her, “Robyn.”

  “I see. Did she instruct you on how this is to happen?” She asked without hesitation.

  Raoul pulled out the paper from his pocket and began to read. I watched her as she looked on at Raoul.

  ‘If she enters the Koboldrone and allows the mechanics to take her. They will then drain her of blood. Her blood being of magic inheritance will cause the Koboldrone to react violently. It will leave your land to claim another.’

  She stood unmoving. Her face unreadable. I looked at Raoul, a tear ran down his face. He did not try to hide it. “You don’t have to do this.” He said, emotion coming through. “She says you may not survive the drain, and if you do, you would be to weak to get out before the implosion. We will find another way. They are seeking another way.”

  She looked at him, then the others. Her gaze fell on me. “What would you wish me to do?” She looked straight at me. I felt her gaze hit my soul. For the first time, I felt the burden it was to be her. She wanted to know what we wished. Her gaze told me she would do what we asked. I could feel the lump in my throat. I didn’t know if I could ask this girl to give her life for our safety. The guards would work. I ran my hand through my hair. I heard Gregory talk first.

  “Raina, no, we can deal with this. This is to much to ask of anyone.” Everyone was in agreement. Raina was still looking at me. She put up a hand and silenced the group.

  “Would doing this protect the land, the people?”

  “Yes.” Gregory said and before he could say anything more she asked another question.

  “Would it return, or get bigger if this is not done?”

  We were all silent. We didn’t know the answer. She was still looking at me. I shook my head, I didn’t know what to say. I looked toward Raoul. She followed my gaze to him. Raoul cleared his throat. “Raina, if nothing is done, your grandfather says it can grow in size. Consume this part of the land. If you choose to do this. It will not return to this place again. Robyn can teach you how to defer it to a sealed location where it will no longer do any harm. She is on her way now. Should be here within the hour.”

  Raina nodded her head. She turned back to me. “This is your wish then.” It was more a statement than a question. I nodded as I said yes. The elders were quiet. None saying a word. Raoul was slumped over in his seat. Tears evident on his face. I felt the guilt of asking this request. I knew if she would agree it must be done. I was thankful for her generosity. Looking at her now, I may have been to harsh in my opinions toward her. I watched as she turned to Raoul. She walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder whispered into his ear. He nodded in return, then left through the side door. She then went to Gregory. His face still in shock. He reached out and embraced her. Again she said something only to him. He gave a brave smile. She backed away and headed toward the large wooden doors. She looked back only once. Catching my eyes. She smiled, it was sad and brave all at once. Then out the door she went.

  I looked to Gregory. He looked back at me. “She will meet us at the edge of the fog in an hours time.” He stood and exited the chamber. I sat in my chair. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but an overwhelming sensation came over me. I felt as if I had lost my father all over again. Why I had this feeling, I didn’t know. I barely knew this girl. It was an unfortunate situation, but it shouldn’t have invoked these kinds of feeling from me. I stood and decided I had to see Sanna. She liked this girl and I wanted her to hear it from me. As my sister, I owed her that much.

  Sanna was sitting on the porch. Sully and drawn in. I knew she had heard. She wouldn’t look at me. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder. “She’s been thru so much, now this. Why does it have to end like this?” I didn’t know what to say. I just held her to me. She cried in my arms. We sat there for some time. Ethan came out. His eyes red and emotional. We looked at each other. “It’s time for her to go.” He stated.

  Sanna stood and went into the house. I followed behind her. Coming out of Sasha’s room was Raina. Surprise written on my face. I hadn’t realized she was staying here. Her scent surrounding me. It was so familiar, tranquil, hopeful. My prejudice gone I could appreciate her unique scent, her soft looks, and sweet smile as she looked at me. Her scent reminded me of Lace. They were so similar. Only Lace’s was barely noticeable. Raina, was pure summer and hope. This is what we needed, hope. It was befitting. I watched as she hugged my family, then she walked to me. Nodding her head, said goodbye. She walked out the door, with another women much older. I assumed it was Robyn.

  We walked behind them to the fog. She gave Robyn a hug and then looked back at me. A look of for-longing, regret, and love reached me. I felt my heart ache. I didn’t understand why. I had no attachment to her. She walked into the fog and we watched as she disappeared. We sat in silence for hours. Robyn being held by Raoul. I got the sense they were than friends. I sat alone. Lace sent me word she didn’t want to come. She seemed almost happy to have Raina leaving. Then again, my emotions were in an upheaval for some strange reason. I was probably projecting my own relief onto Lace. Still, it would have been comforting to have her here with me.

  We continued to sit. Night was falling. Then, we heard a gut wrenching scream coming from the fog. Sanna jumped to her feet and ran to the fog. Ethan and I went after her. She couldn’t go in, not now. The screams continued. They went on for over an hour. Sanna screamed back. Fighting Ethan trying to break loose. Robyn had been screaming also. Her hands on her ears, screaming for it to stop. Raoul was rocking her back and forth. I didn’t know how to help. I felt compelled to go to Raina, save her. This wasn’t right. I couldn’t recall ever feeling this strongly toward anyone. Not even Lace. The screams stopped. My
mind panicked. I immediately transformed and without thinking ran into the fog.

  I could feel the pull of the sleep calling to me. Wanting me to close my eyes. Rest, relax. My fear for Raina was stronger. I paused to listen to the woods and fog. Where was she? Sleep was pulling at me. I could hear Sanna and the others calling for me to return. I looked around. I could smell fire. I ran toward the smell. The closer I got to the fire, the tireder I became. Then I picked up a hint of her scent. I concentrated on that. My adrenaline flowing, I ran toward the faint smell.

  The fire and smoke was getting denser. I was having troubles seeing and breathing. Soon, I came across a decaying old stone building. I placed a hand on the soot covered wall in front of me and began following it around. A feeling of déjà vu took me over. I was looking for a set of doors. A dream I had done this before. I envisioned I was following a girl. Watched her be strapped to a table. Running, running from the explosion. Her scent was strong. My daydream broke. I saw Raina crawling on the ground only feet from the wall in front of me. The fire nipping at her heels. Covered in blood from head to toe. Cuts encasing her entire body. I scooped her up into my arms.

  I ran. I ran with her in my arms as the fire raged. Explosion after explosion echoing behind me. I could see the setting sun ahead. The colors vibrant. I ran to them. A final explosion sounded and the fog around me was sucked into a vacuum void. I fell to the ground. She tumbled out of my arms. She was laying on the ground unmoving. I again had that feeling of loss. I yelled for help. Desperate for anyone to come. I didn’t know how to help her.