Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Read online

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  Sanna was first to arrive. The others couldn’t keep up with her. She came to a running halt. Kneeling over her checked her vitals. I watched as desperation took over my sister. Ethan and Raoul arrived. Ethan picked her up and hurried to Robyn who was still some distance away. Raoul came to me side, checking me over. Gave me a whiff of the curse repellant solution. I could feel the tiredness leave my mind. Robyn was now over her. Potions, spells, and enchantments ready. All were being performed. I stayed back. I didn’t want to interfere. I didn’t know why I had done what I did. I felt better knowing she was out. Now, I hoped she would live.

  I moved over to Sanna. She was shaking. I wrapped my arms around and embracing her. Together we found comfort. I heard Robyn stop. We both looked over at Raina laying on the ground, blood pooling beneath her body. Robyn turned. “She is still alive, but badly hurt. I hope she will live.” Robyn whispered. Relief at those words filled me with joy. Sanna ran to her side. Ethan picked her up and together they took her to Sanna’s. I moved over to Robyn and Raoul. They were talking.

  “She may not wake up.” Robyn was saying. “I don’t know if this is better than being dead.”

  “Will you tell the others?” Raoul asked.

  “No, I can’t take away their hope.” She said with a hitch in her voice.

  “She has come back from worse. We must have faith she will come back from this as well.” Raoul encouraged. He looked up at me then. Then taking Robyn by the shoulder followed some distance behind Ethan and Sanna.

  I didn’t know what to do. I was exhausted by the emotions of the evening. I still had the second round of games to officiate tonight. I would talk with Gregory. See if he could take my spot watching Pearl. I thought of Raina. To think, other than the Council, no one would know what had happened this evening. This girl was braver than I gave her credit for.

  I went to Gregory’s to ask him the favor. He inquired what had happened. “So, you ran after that girl.” He smiled and punched me in the arm. “Yeah pretty stupid.” I laughed. “Not the first time you’ve done something stupid over a girl.”

  I had been a young boy since I had done something this stupid. I couldn’t even remember the details it had been that long ago. Gregory agreed to the trade. I told him I would stop by around three in the morning. If Pearl was still at it, switch up. For now, I needed to get some food and rest.



  I opened my eyes. Unsure of where I was at. Sitting by my side, Sanna and Ethan. She had her eyes closed resting her head on Ethan’s chest. I could hear Robyn and Raoul in the distance. I looked around. I was in Sasha’s room. I was alive. Joy filled my heart. I was afraid I would never see them again. See the kids. See my grandfather. I needed to protect them. Hopefully, it worked and the Koboldrone was gone for good. No longer able to haunt any other villages or my loved ones.

  I tried to move, but could not. I could feel a heavy weight on my body. I lifted my head and could see an ora of magic blanketed over me. My clothing was shredded. My arms and legs still had blood seeping out of my wounds. I could feel the magic tingling on my skin. I hoped it was working. I hoped it would heal me this time. I laid my head back down on the pillow and let the magic heal my wounds. I slept for another hour.

  When I awoke this time Sanna was talking to Robyn in the other room. I looked around and could see I was alone. I lifted my head. It was easier this time. Looking over my body, I could see my wounds had stopped bleeding and were sealing shut. I would definitely have more scars. I tried to move. The magical blanket that held me gave way, disappearing into the air. I sat up in bed. I was stiff, wounded and soar all over. My clothes a massive mess. I went to my bag and pulled out a fresh set. I could barely lift my arms. Moving about caused more pain and blood. I was finally dressed. My body scared with holes, claw marks, and deep cuts. Yeah, this would take a while to heal. I tried some magic. Still nothing. I tried my mirage. It came slowly, but was there. I ventured the few steps to the sitting room. Everyone turned at my arrival. Cheers, tears and attention all on me. I felt my cheeks blush. Sanna and Robyn ran to my side. Helped me sit in a chair.

  “You okay. Your alive! Your awake! What can I get you? Water? Food? Do you need anything?” Sanna rattled it off so fast. I figured I wouldn’t get a word in edgewise. Ethan stepped in then. “Drink. You’ll feel better.”

  “I already feel better. I am not dead.” I said with a weak smile. Sanna shook her head. “To soon for jokes?” I smiled again.

  “Yes. You really scared us.”

  “I scared myself.”

  “What happened?”

  “I ... Maybe another time. I ...” Emotions were taking hold of me.

  “It’s okay, we are just glad you are still with us. It was touch and go there for a while.” Robyn chimed in.

  I looked around. “Leon, ....is he here?” I asked no one special.

  “No.” Sanna looked around at the others, as if afraid to tell me the rest.

  “Please tell me.” I pleaded with them.

  “Round two is tonight. He is officiating.” Ethan said.

  “Oh.” A smile lit my face.

  “No, you cannot go. You just died.” Sanna said throwing her hands up in the air as she stood.

  “But, I’m okay now.”

  “You can barely walk.”

  “What is the game tonight, maybe I can do it?”

  It was Ethan who jumped in over Sanna, “NO! Tonight is the Ankylynx Challenge. You are in no way ready.”

  “What is the Ankylynx Challenge?”

  Raoul now spoke. “You must fight a caged animal and survive till morning.”

  “And if I do, I move on.” I asked hopeful. I had survived the torture of the Koboldrone. I have been in worse shape and put into worse places. I could do this. “Tell me about this creature.”

  Ethan just shook his head. “You are as stubborn as my wife.”

  “I thought I had missed it all. So, this is fate. I am meant to fix my mistake. Tell me about the creature. Help me beat this.” I looked to Ethan for help.

  “I think she should try.” Robyn spoke for the first time since coddling me into the sitting room. Everyone looked at Robyn. Awe at her comments.

  “She doesn’t have to last the night. Just outlast most the group.” Raoul chimed in.

  “Fine, I will tell you of the creature.”

  So Ethan did. Everything he knew of the creature. It’s weak points. It’s hunting style. The works. I smiled at him. I stood to get ready. My body still ached with pain at every move. Mentally, I was ready, and that was all that mattered. I walked toward Sasha’s room as I did, put my mirage back into place.



  I had slept later than I wanted. Tossing and turning all evening. I kept dreaming of Raina. I dreamt of her at the Arena in Nezra’s Fortress. A nightmare as I watched her fend off a snapper. I dreamt of her being bound by the Koboldrone. Then being attacked by an Asbjorn. I couldn’t shake the dreams. Every time I closed my eyes, it was of her. I knew they weren’t true, it was just my past reinventing itself with her in it. The urge to rescue her today was playing tricks on my mind. I had to keep reminding myself they were just dreams.

  I looked at my clock. It was well after three. I had told Gregory I would be there before now. Chances were, he was probably home in bed. Pearl should have rung out hours ago. I dressed and headed to the cages.

  As I came around the bend, I passed empty cage after empty cage. At the end of the row, I saw Gregory. He was still here. Probably couldn’t sleep. I sat next to him. “Can’t sleep?” I asked. He looked at me. Tired eyes and a yawn. “Now that you're here to watch, I can.” I looked from him to cage. There in the middle laying on the ground was Pearl. “You’ve got to be kidding me! I thought she would have rung out by now.” I was shocked for a second time today.

  “You and me both.” He yawned again and began to stand. “She has worn out her companion. The Ankylynx is there.” Pointing to a
boulder some paces away from her, curled into a ball. “It fell asleep some time ago. Unfortunately so did she.” He pointed at Pearl now. “Depending on who wakes up first, she will either beat that thing, or you will need to rescue her.”

  “Seems I’ve been rescuing women all day.” I joked with him. He gave me a half laugh. Then slowly began walking to his home.

  I sat on the boulder watching her as she slept. I heard another pair of footsteps coming up the path. It was Ethan. He paused in front of Pearl’s cage. I saw her stir. She came slowly to the fencing. Moving as though in her body was stiff and unmovable. It looked uncomfortable. They exchanged a mumbled words. Ethan handed her a mug. She drank it down. He said something more to her. Then she moved back slowly, gently, to her spot facing the creature. Ethan watched for a moment then went back the way he came.

  The thought of Raina entered my mind. I should ask him about her. How she was fairing? She was in bad shape. From the exchange between Robyn and Raoul, I wondered if she was still alive. Given my duties, I thought now would not be a good time to ask. He looked as if he had a lot on his mind. I watched Pearl lie on the ground. She didn’t move. I couldn’t tell if she was awake or asleep. An hour passed. Only a few more till sunrise. I wished I could tell her to ring out. The others had already done so. That would be against the rules, I didn’t want to disqualify her when she had come so far. She was obviously a lucky person to make it this far.

  I sat on my perch, my mind drifting to unimportant nonsense. A breeze began to blow my direction. I could smell Raina’s scent. I looked around for her. I knew she wasn’t there. I looked back at Pearl. Still lying on the ground. Funny how all these women smelled so similar it played tricks on my mind. Maybe that was my problem. They were so close in scent that it was messing with my emotions and dreams. I looked over at the Ankylynx. It was beginning to stir. I stood up. If Pearl were asleep, this would be trouble. I needed to be ready to act.

  The cat stretched its legs. Then surveyed the area. It’s glowing eyes fixated on Pearl. She didn’t move. The ankylynx jumped down the back side of the boulder it was resting on. It prowled through the tall grass making its way closer to Pearl. I took a step toward the cage. Pearl’s head moved. She was following the cat’s movements. I was watching her watch the cat. As the cat got closer. I could see her begin to adjust her position. She started cooing a soft song. The cat’s ears perked up. He was listening to her. Ethan must have coached her. He helped tend the animals from time to time. It was a trick to get them to relax. Allow the workers to do their job of feeding or cleaning. It worked most the time. All the caretakers were trained to defeat the cat if needed, however. She began moving now. Still cooing her song. The cat walked to her. Arching its back and brushing her leg as she stood. She reached over and rubbed the cat’s back. He nestled into a ball at her feet. She continued to stroke its head and back. I could swear I heard the cat purr its pleasure. She tamed this unpredictable wild creature into a house pet. It seemed no more harmless than a young pup.

  For the next hour she sang her song and stroked the cat. It soon rolled away and strolled back to its cave. She laid down on the ground and continued to sing. Soon, the singing stopped. She moved to the fence line and called for Ethan. It looked like something was wrong. She was holding her stomach. I could see something dark seeping through her clothes.

  I walked down the hill, and stood at the fence. I was trying to assess the situation. She looked up at me. Her face was warn and tired. She looked to be in pain. I looked her over from head to toe. On the fabric of her shirt a black stain was spreading over her stomach and sides. I touched her thru the fence. She flinched. It was damp. As I brought it up to my face to see in the moonlight. It was blood.

  “What happened? Did it attack you?” I was trying to wrap my mind around it. I hadn’t seen anything. Nothing to worn me of this type of injury. The cat gave no sign it was attacking her. She caught her breath. “No, I’m fine. The cat didn’t hurt me. This is from something else.”

  “What else? Why are you here if you were injured?” What did she have to prove? I entered the cage and stood facing the fence to talk with her.

  “You wouldn’t understand. I have to do this. Have to try.” She was pleading with me. “You must leave. I need to stay. I can’t ring out.”

  “You must and are. I am calling it.” I didn’t feel bad. I knew she was last. Chances were she would move on. I doubted she would be disqualified for not staying the entire time. I looked at her. The sun now coming up behind her. I smiled. “Looks like you don’t have to.” She turned to see the first ray of light break the horizon. She smiled back at me. I called for help. Not realizing I was waking the cat at the same time.

  I heard the screech. Before I could turn around, Pearl pushed me to the side. She ducked under the leaping cat. It missed us both. Quick thinking on her part. She was on her knees. I could see she was in pain. She was watching the cat. It was preparing to pounce. It leapt at her head. She tucked and rolled out of the way. I was on my feet now between her and the cat. Her hand touched my back.

  “I got this, get to safety please.” She said with surety. I was again shocked by this women. Before I could give it any more thought, the cat pounced at me. I threw a blow and knocked it down to the ground. The cat shook off the hit and was circling us. I could hear the running of footsteps. It was a matter of time before others would be here. Pearl was on her feet. Her breathing was labored. I could hear the hitch in each breath. The cat was getting ready to strike again.

  It jumped toward pearl this time. She was quick on her feet. Moving out of it’s way and catching it by the tail. She gave it a quick pull then swinging it with both hands, throwing it toward the cave. It landed on its back with a loud thud. It took a minute to get back up. Conceding defeat, retreated back into its cave. I looked at Pearl, the sun now well over the horizon. She had blood dripping from her midsection. It reminded me of Raina. I scooped her up and headed out of the cage.

  Ethan was first to arrive. One look and he snatched her from my arms and took off running, I assumed to the healing center. The others came around the corner. Commotion and questions attacked me. I explained she had other injuries. The caretaker’s face went ash white. These cat’s are blood thirsty. They can smell blood a half mile away. Will come in swarms to get to a bleeding prey. She was lucky that cat didn’t kill her. As much blood as I saw, that cat should have been on her all night. I began wondering how she managed thru the night, and how she got those injuries.

  I turned in her time. I had to put the time I entered the cage. Even though she did make it through the challenge. She hadn’t needed my help. There was something familiar about the way she moved. Protected herself, and tried to protect me. I had seen it before. I just couldn’t think of where. I stopped at the elders chambers. I wanted to see the results before heading home and getting some rest before the next challenge started. I ran into Raoul on my way in.

  “Hey, are the results ready?” I asked. He seemed a bit pre occupied. He was deep in thought. When he looked at me, I knew he hadn’t heard a word I said.

  “Leon!” He sounded surprised to see me. “Is it over?”

  “Is what over?” Now I was confused, where we talking about the same thing, or was he asking me something else.

  “The Ankylynx Challenge. Is it over?” He asked again, more edginess than before.

  “Yes, just finished. I was hoping I could see if Pearl made it. She was a trooper till I saw her bleeding. I wanted to make sure I didn’t get her disqualified or cut.” I explained.

  Raoul’s eyes grew wide. “Bleeding? She’s bleeding again?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, instead took off running out the building. I didn’t know what was going on. The healers would assist her. She would be fine with a little healing lotion whatever it was. I headed into the chamber hall. There on the table was the list. Pearl had made it. I wanted to tell her the good news. Odd. Again, I wanted to be at her side, in her presence. I had only felt tha
t way around Lace and then felt it earlier after the fog around Raina. I knew my emotions were messed up. I decided after I gave Pearl the good news I would seek a healer to get my emotions checked and back on track.

  At the healing center, Pearl was not there. They had no knowledge of any injuries she may have received or how she would have received them. They did mention Raoul had been in collecting some supplies. I asked for something to mend my emotions. Without explaining to much, I didn’t need gossip spreading the village. I was denied any solutions. They directed me to see Raoul. He may know how to help me I was told. I wasn’t sure what to do. I needed my emotions back in check. I also hadn’t confided in Raoul in years. We had grown apart after his betrayal of the council. I pondered my dilemma. I decided it could wait. A good sleep would probably do the trick.

  I reached my home and crawled into bed. Again I was wrestling with my dreams. Only this time it was Pearl plaguing my mind. I was going to have to talk to Raoul.



  Last night was hard. I had always been taught that pain, illness, even ability was all in your head. If you thought you were sick, you would get sick. If you thought you couldn’t do something, then chances are you couldn’t. My mom had instilled in me positive thinking. Going to round two I needed to be positive in my abilities and healing. I didn’t think of the pain. I didn’t think of my tiredness. I had walked days with broken bones. Had been sliced open by various weaponry and animals. To succumb to my injuries would be a mistake I would pay for with my life. I needed to prove to myself that I was going to be all right. I still had such strong guilt over Leon’s memories, I had no choice in my mind but to go to round two.

  Ethan had brought me straight home. Robyn had performed her potions and magic to work at healing my body. The activeness of the cat was no help to my healing. If it wasn’t for Ethan’s tranquility song, I would be in worse shape. I was still laying on Sasha’s bed. My bleeding had stopped and scabs were beginning to form for a second time. Robyn said she was trying something more powerful, now that my body was letting the magic help heal me. I had tried some magic last night. A protection wall between me and the cat. Nothing. I was still only privy to my parlor trick. Worse of all, I couldn’t disguise my smell completely anymore. I smelled less of burnt cookies and more like me, according to Sanna and Ethan. Both were happy to have the burnt smell gone.